Design your home Main Door with intuitive Brass Designs

Design your home Main Door

A one-of-a-kind main door can instantly transform the appearance of your exteriors. In addition, it is the first thing they see when they arrive and the last thing they think about when they leave. Additionally, a striking design for the front door serves as a memento for visitors to the house. Visitors may quickly forget about “that house with the normal door,” but will always remember “that house with the brass embellishments on main door”.

According to the ancient science of Vaastu, metal brass main doors bring wealth, happiness, good fortune, and positivity.

Here are the unique and contemporary designs for your home Doors:

Flower Themed Design

Latest main door design Hand-Crafted with a flower themed brass casted metal embellishment. It comes in either brass or white metal with antique finish.

Single Door Designs
Single Door Designs


Golden Peacock Themed Design

A classic Hand-crafted peacock brass metal embellishment for Main Doors, it made with brass metal which adds a stylish look to your house.

Main Doors
Main Doors


Flowers and Twigs Design

An Elegant Hand-crafted with flowers and twigs placed vertically on the upper part of the door with two more flowers at the bottom.

Double Door Designs
Double Door Designs


Traditional Marigold Flower Design

A traditional Hand-crafted  design with a huge ring of metal spikes surrounding a marigold flower and a couple of metal border.

Double Door Design
Double Door Design


Monstera Themed 3/4 Door Design

A contemporary  design of Monstera leaf shape made with casted brass metal which adds a stylish look to house.

Door Designs
Door Designs


Crown Themed 3/4 Door Design

A traditional with a crown shaped design with horizontal metal borders and the crown made with casted brass metal.

Main Door Designs
Main Door Designs


Leaf Themed Internal Door Design

Handcrafted design for bedroom comes with leaf themed embellishment made of brass metal with antique finish.

Single Door Designs
Single Door Designs


Metal Lotus Petals Single Door Design

Handcrafted design for bedroom comes with Lotus themed embellishment made of brass metal with antique finish.

Brass embellishments on doors
Brass embellishments on doors


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2 years ago

I am like this products please send me full details

2 years ago

Brass metal designs are discussed on the site as a way to spruce up the look of a home’s front door and make a grander first impression. The writer emphasises the durability of brass and how its use can increase a home’s curb allure. The site as a whole is a wonderful resource for those who are considering upgrading their front door and are looking for fresh ideas.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cpdoors

Thank you so much for your valuable comment.